Des brosses a gogo

Enfin pas vraiment, mais vous pourrez deja vous amuser un peu.
Il faut Photoshop 7 minimum, mais ca marche aussi sur CS je pense.
J'ai cree ce set sur un Mac OSX, je pense que ca marche aussi pour PC.
Alors on clique la pour recuperer les del4yo_brosses
Et hop Noel c'est deja demain.


Have fun with some of my brushes!
download del4yo_brosses
For Photoshop 7 to CS
Janelle, as you said you liked my textures, here's the tip to create yours:
The trick is to change the texture in the brushes presets.
The texture needs to be very contrasty. Carpets make good watercolor, by the way.
You can also create the same brush with clicking invert texture, and have double fun with different colors.

Delphine DoreauComment