But really ?Owls!
Someone found quite fun to download my owls, print them, and made photos. Which is quite OK (I mean, the print part). Then she posted them (not OK), they were noticed, and I finally found them on one of my favorite blogs with no mention of my name more than " some owls I found on the internet". And this is not OK at all.
A link to my blog was added afterwards thanks to the lovely people at Ohdeedoh (not their fault, and how lovely they were in following up, thank you so much guys!), but I never really allowed the use of my work in the original post, and I would have loved to be asked for. And then I got the usual "I couldn't find your name or website or whatever I didn't know", fake apology, since my name was watermarked on the picture the blogger used.
Click on the picture to download a printable pdf
I had a bit of re-appropration to do, to have my owls back. I made myself some more owls, and made cute ornaments out of the illos, to enjoy them a bit before I find them again on someone else website. Which is not OK, by the way, unless you ASK FIRST.
And since I was at it , I thought that I could share my owls with you ! Print them, make ornaments, mobiles, put them on a string or print them on fabric, but please please please if you plan to show them on your website, name me as the author, add a link to my website, and be kind enough to tell me so I can gush and be happy you did.
Happy howlidays!
Pour vous raconter rapidement une longue histoire, ça y est, on me pompe ici aussi...Une bloggueuse a utilisé mes images, les a posté en deco sur des gateaux ( mes préférés en plus si c'est pas vache ça!) , elle a trouve ça chouette (haha) et a donc contacté un blog de design (un de mes préférés aussi, non, faut faire dans les grandes largeurs quand on y va)...Ou je les ai trouvés grace à une lectrice. Mon nom n'était pas cité, les filles du blog de design ont rectifié, elles sont adorables...Par contre la bloggueuse m'a sorti qu'elle n'avait pas trouvé mon nom...Celui qui était en signature sur l'image? Ha oui. Pfff. Du coup ca m'a énervée ( un peu) et au lieu de mettre des watermarks gros comme ma tete sur mes images, je vous ai pondu (haha) quelques hiboux de plus, histoire que vous en profitiez plus que les indélicats qui me pompent...Voila, à vos ciseaux, et gros bisous à tous mes gentils lecteurs, qui me préviennent quand ils voient mes images ailleurs, grace à vous je peux continuer :)
PS: I forgot to add a quick how to. Here we are: