sketch challenge, and instagram

In case you didn't know, I am present on (most) social networks, and would be delighted to meet you there too. I'm an avid Pinterest user, and I love Instagram. I find both fantastic tools to get inspired and share! These days I am participating with my friends on the Tinkersketch challenge for February 2015. It's fun , and inspiring, and I love that we are doing the same thing together even if we are not in the same continent or living at the same hours. Isn't it magical?
You can follow the challenge and participate on instagram with the #tinkersketch  hashtag .

Here's a carousel of my pictures on Instagram.

You can follow me here : del4yo on Instagram.

Je sais que vous etes deja beaucoup à me suivre, mais je me permet de vous rappeler que je suis aussi très présente sur les réseaux sociaux. Cliquez sur les icônes pour me quelques bonnes surprises avec je l'espère!