Adding a page in a notebook (about Flow, and Hobonichi Techo, too)
I'm having a lot of fun with my Hobonichi cousin. So much fun I actually need more pages, and it's a planner with one page per day. So unlike a sketch book, if I need more room, I can't just turn the page. So I was looking for a way to insert pages.
I just got the Flow weekly with my April Flow, and it was exactly the same size as my journal! I was very happy in a very geeky DIY way. There is some very pretty pages in the flow weekly, and mine arrived a bit damaged. So I had the idea to cut out some pages and insert them in my Hobonichi Techo.
This cute poesieplaatje by Helen Dardik was also in Flow. It's cute!
See? exactly the right size. The Flow colorful pages really add something in my journal.
Now, the problem was to find a way to do it nicely. I made it with washi tape...Ok Washi tape, Hobonichi, Flow. I'm feeling very hype here, but hey, I'm enjoying this tremendously. You can do this with clear tape and a basic notebook and still it will be beautiful.
Thing is, I wanted the result to be neat and clean, and it can be difficult. It's quite impossible to put a page exactly in the right place with a long piece of washi ! I am very picky and I wanted it done just right.
First I placed the page exactly on my journal , so the new page would tuck nicely in the inner hinge. Then I secured it with a binder clip.
Then I put the washi on the page I added, and pushed on the washi to make it adhere as close as possible to the hinge on the other side.
Then I applied it on the other side. The new page fits nicely in!
I put one bit of washi up and one down
And one in the middle on the other side: it works like a hinge on a door. It's pretty, and the new page fits perfectly in the book.
It's not a perfect book binding job. But it works well , and it's fast to do, in a cute wu wei way ;)